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Doctors with Strong Financial Ties to Pharma Are Found More Likely to Prescribe Brand-Name Drugs
Shutterstock Generic cholesterol pills are probably better for most patients than brand-name medications because the lower cost of generics increases the chance the patients will take the pills every day. Yet some physicians primarily prescribe expensive brand-name drugs like Lipitor and Crestor. According to a recent study of physicians in Massachusetts, about a quarter of…
A Prick a Day Won't Keep Your Blood Sugar Away
Shutterstock When it comes to wreaking havoc on people’s bodies, diabetes isn’t picky, wreaking havoc upon people’s hearts, brains, eyes, kidneys, and peripheral nerves. To forestall such damage, many people with diabetes withstand another kind of bodily harm—they prick blood from their fingers each day to test their blood sugar. For many people with Type…
How Hospitals Turn Charity Care Into Profits — At Taxpayers' Expense
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Want to Pay Higher Prices? Try a For-Profit Hospital!
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Where You Live in America Determines When You Die
Shutterstock Debates over income inequality divide liberals and conservatives. In the last few decades, income inequality has soared in the U.S. In the 1950s, the top 1% of Americans brought home about a tenth of the country’s income. By 2012, those 1%’ers accounted for almost a quarter. Only a minority of Republicans are troubled by…