Medicare Drug Coverage Is Often Inadequate—Here’s Why

Medicare Drug Coverage Is Often Inadequate—Here’s Why

Your father’s rheumatoid arthritis medicine was working well, fighting off that otherwise debilitating illness. Then he found out that Medicare would no longer pay for the drug. Your aunt’s multiple sclerosis was flaring and her neurologist recommended a promising new treatment. But she learned that she would have to try, and “fail,” on two other…

Paying Too Much For Healthcare? Your Boss Might Be To Blame

Paying Too Much For Healthcare? Your Boss Might Be To Blame

Many companies are large enough they self-insure—they take on the financial risk of paying for their employees’ health expenses. In these cases, there is no insurance company around to negotiate prices. Instead, your employer must bring itself to the negotiating table (or maybe, these days, to the negotiation-Zoom-room?). That might mean that your costs, including…

Getting A Colonoscopy? Ask Your Doctor About Using An AI Copilot

Getting A Colonoscopy? Ask Your Doctor About Using An AI Copilot

Colon cancer is often preventable with timely screening. One way to be screened is through a procedure called colonoscopy, where a physician examines your colon with a camera to look for precancerous polyps. Unfortunately, some physicians are not as thorough as they should be and overlook growths they should be removing. It might be time…

Warning To RFK Jr: Mess With Medicare Payment And Physicians Will Fight Back

Warning To RFK Jr: Mess With Medicare Payment And Physicians Will Fight Back

The starting salary of an orthopedic surgeon in the United States is $565,000. Family medicine physicians, by contrast, can expect a starting salary closer to $250,000, a good living by almost any measure, but a pay disparity that doesn’t strike most experts as reflecting the value, or importance, of these two specialties. If Kennedy wants…

Can A Positive Attitude Prevent Colds? Your Race Could Influence The Answer

Can A Positive Attitude Prevent Colds? Your Race Could Influence The Answer

People whose immune systems are temporarily or permanently weakened can be susceptible to colds. Consider chronic stress. Ask a group of college students about their emotional lives, and those who report higher levels of stress will be more susceptible to cold symptoms. We know that because researchers have exposed healthy college students to cold viruses…

Experts Split On Whether Breast, Lung, And Prostate Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Experts Split On Whether Breast, Lung, And Prostate Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Mammograms for breast cancer; the PSA blood test for prostate cancer; CT scans for lung cancer; and things like stool blood tests and colonoscopies for colon cancer. Each of these screening tests is designed to find cancers, or precancers, before they become symptomatic, the goal of early detection being to enable clinicians to eradicate growths…

Impending Spending Disaster – A Warning From Japanese Nursing Homes

Impending Spending Disaster – A Warning From Japanese Nursing Homes

Populations across many wealthy countries are aging. That means a huge swath of people will soon find themselves needing some kind of long-term care. Here is a quick look at what the aging of a population means for how much a country spends on long-term care. The data, published in the journal Health Affairs, come…

This Is What Happens When Medicare Minions Micromanage Microorganisms

This Is What Happens When Medicare Minions Micromanage Microorganisms

Sepsis is a brutal killer. It often starts after a microorganism gets loose in your bloodstream, spreading to organs far and wide, releasing deadly toxins along the way. In response, your body releases toxins of its own, chemicals designed to kill the invading organism but that, all too often, damage your body, too, leaving you…

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy – Here Is What Happened When Outrageous Prices Met The Free Market

Breast Cancer Chemotherapy – Here Is What Happened When Outrageous Prices Met The Free Market

Nine to twelve years. That’s about how long most drug companies have to make serious money on new products before their patent protection ends. Then, generic companies enter the fray and prices, typically, plummet. Yet, two decades after coming to market, Herceptin (a drug used to treat breast and stomach cancer) was still priced at…

Two And A Half Decades Later, OxyContin Marketing Is Still Deadly

Two And A Half Decades Later, OxyContin Marketing Is Still Deadly

Purdue Pharma launched OxyContin in 1996, and soon began an aggressive marketing campaign for this powerful and addictive drug. The campaign is over, but its effects are still deadly. How do we know this? Because Purdue’s marketing wasn’t sprinkled evenly around the country. Instead, Purdue rolled out its campaign in different markets at different times…