If You Read Arabic
You might be interested in some coverage my research team got in Qatar, for our study on oncology decision making. (Link) Maybe one of you can translate it for me?
The facts seem indisputable. After a courageous battle against cancer, Lance Armstrong inspired millions of people – bike aficionados and those who don’t know a pelleton from a crouton – by winning the Tour de France an unprecedented seven times in a row. As one of the millions who have been inspired by Lance –…
Widower Woodrow Wilson fell in love with Edith Galt in 1915. The President’s doorkeeper summarized the situation tersely: “She’s a looker; he’s a goner.” (Click here to view comments)
I think this picture just about covers it: Click to view comments
When people mention Bayes’ Theorem, the cornerstone of much of modern probability thinking, most do not realize that much of the thinking to develop this theorem was done by Pierre-Simon Laplace, a French astronomer and mathematician. As if his work on that theorem was not enough to make him one of my heroes, I recently…
I remember one time having a conversation with Daniel Kahneman, one of the founders of behavioral economics, about the topic of happiness and emotional adaptation, in the context of chronic disability. We were discussing emotional impact of experiencing a limb amputation. Kahneman pointed out that it is the loss of the limb that is really…
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ [I’ve found it!], but ‘That’s funny.’ (Click here to view comments)