Higher Health Insurance Deductibles, Smaller Wallets

With health care costs rising, employers (and insurance companies) are increasingly asking consumers (aka “patients”) to have more “skin in the game”—to pay more out of pocket for their medical care.  The Kaiser Family Foundation has a nice report on trends in health insurance deductibles.  This picture shows the rise in these deductibles.  That means:…

Informed Consent 1950s Style

In her deservedly best-selling book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot reproduces the language of Lacks’s informed consent document when she was about to undergoing her cancer surgery at Johns Hopkins in 1951:    I hereby give consent to the staff of the Johns Hopkins Hospital to    perform any operative procedures and under any anesthetic…


Hear My Discussion with Joe and Terry Graedon on People's Pharmacy

Here is a link to a podcast of my recent appearance on People’s Pharmacy, an NPR show that hopefully reaches you where you live.  (If it doesn’t, you should ask your radio station to pick it up. It is a great show.)  In this podcast, Joe and Terry lead me on a wide ranging conversation,…


Do Oncologists Lie to Their Patients About Their Prognoses?

Andrews was easily the most anxious patient I took care of that month, a gray Michigan February (is there any other kind?) which I spent in the hospital caring for patients admitted to the general medical ward at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (Andrews is a pseudonym, as are all the patients I blog about, unless…

Review of Critical Decisions

“Revolutions are often fought over dichotomies—the king versus the people, the bourgeoisie versus the proletariat, and, of course, the autonomous patient versus the paternalistic doctor.” So observes Peter Ubel in the conclusion of Critical Decisions: How You and Your Doctor Can Make the Right Medical Choices Together. Who decides? Doctor or patient? For decades, too…

Breast Cancer Hotline Reveals Widespread Communication Problem with Doctors

I got an email recently from someone who read Critical Decisions, and who said it resonated with her in part because of work she does with a breast cancer hot line. “I’ve been volunteering as a Helpline worker for Living Beyond Breast Cancer.  We get a lot of calls from women who seem to have…


The True Immoral Acts Behind The First "Test Tube Baby"

The first test tube baby was born July 25th, 1978 in the north of England.  Louise Brown was called the “baby of the century” by some and a “moral abomination” by others.  It wasn’t Brown who critics accused of being immoral, of course.  She was just a blameless infant.  Instead, it was her doctors who…