eBay and the Brain: What Psychology Teaches Us about the Economic Downturn
“eBay and the Brain: What Psychology Teaches Us about the Economic Downturn” – Scientific American
“eBay and the Brain: What Psychology Teaches Us about the Economic Downturn” – Scientific American
Here is a picture from the Kaiser Family Foundation showing which Americans were most likely to report problems paying medical bills last year. The sad news is that just about any way you divide it, a hell of a lot of Americans are having a heckuva time paying these bills:
Patients often rely on physicians for information about their treatment alternatives. Unfortunately, that information is not always objective. Consider a man with early stage prostate cancer interested in surgical removal of his tumor, but uncertain whether it is better for the surgery to be performed with the help of robotic technology. He asks his surgeon…
Here is Eisenhower drawing out the connection between science and liberty: “Love of liberty means the guarding of every resource that makes freedom possible—from the sanctity of our families and the wealth of our soil to the genius of our scientists.” I would love to see a presidential candidate pick up this theme.
Obamacare is still the law of the land, but the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress are determined to undermine the law in the hope it will cease to function. One of the strategies is to cut advertising funding for ACA insurance plans. If a recent study is any indication, that strategy might work. One of the…
Shutterstock Last spring and summer, the Republicans stumbled in their efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. But they might try a new approach later this year. If they do, expect to hear more debates about what their replacement plans mean for chronically ill Americans. People with pre-existing conditions might get priced out of insurance. People…