Rant: Shared Decision Making in Medicine
“Rant: Shared Decision Making in Medicine” – Psychology Today Magazine
“Rant: Shared Decision Making in Medicine” – Psychology Today Magazine
“Dose Response” – The Sciences
Donald Trump says he can improve upon the Affordable Care Act – promising to get everyone in the country “a much better healthcare plan at much lower cost.” If that’s really what Trump wants to do, he should pay attention to one of the problems with Obamacare – the subsidies to purchase insurance might have…
I know, I know: I usually write about health and healthcare; why should anyone care about my opinion on whether Larry Summers should be Federal Reserve Chair? As it turns out, my work on doctor/patient communication has given me insight into the danger of judging job candidates—be they physicians or Federal Reserve chairs—based purely on…
Advertising is about persuasion. Companies spend billions of dollars per year trying to convince us to buy their products. But sometimes, rigorous philosophical training can help us avoid that influence. Consider the following ad: Only deep immersion in Immanuel Kant helped me recognize the flaws in this reasoning!
A JAMA study shows how our diets have changed since 2000. The big winners? Nuts Whole grains Whole fruits The big losers? Sugar sweetened beverages Fruit juice White potatoes Maybe there’s hope for us after all?
Here is a very interesting essay in the Arkansas Business Journal, which ties our research on physician patient conversations into a broader message about the importance of good communication in business. Glad to see our work is having an impact. Considering all of the technical advances and new complexities in marketing today (such as social,…