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On Our Way to Being a Smoke-Free Nation
Great picture from a NEJM article showing a continuing reduction in American tobacco consumption, a decline that accelerated during the Obama years. (Irony – Obama was a smoker during much of that time!) My question – What would this look like if you added in all the people using e-cigarettes?
Clever Graphic to Stop Public Urination – Yes, Urination
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Nudging Docs with Threatening Letters
I recently spoke with Margot Sanger-Katz at the New York Times. She’s an awesome healthcare reporter. She wrote a nice piece on some recent nudging research. Here’s the beginning of the article to whet your appetite: The letters doctors received from the county medical examiner included a shocking fact: A patient you once prescribed an…
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Financial Disparities and Abdominal Girth
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Talking To Your Doctor About Out-Of-Pocket Costs Can Save You Money
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