Is Health Insurance Too Cheap?
Researchers at USC recently published a study designed to find out how much people are willing to pay for better drug coverage from their health insurance plan…(Read the rest and view comments at Scientocracy)
Researchers at USC recently published a study designed to find out how much people are willing to pay for better drug coverage from their health insurance plan…(Read the rest and view comments at Scientocracy)
See this nice article on high deductible health insurance, by a reporter I spoke to, if I remember correctly, while walking my dog in one of Chapel Hill’s nicest parks.
I must not be the only person to wonder how pharmaceutical companies succeed with direct to consumer advertisements when, stuck in the middle of all their TV ads, are those long lists of side effects. You know what I mean. After watching a smiling and attractive person running through a field after receiving some wonder…
A great cartoon from the Kaiser Health News website that pithily captures the “wonders” of the American health insurance system. (Click here to view comments)
In a clever study, secret shoppers called primary care offices in an attempt to make a new patient appointment. People with Obamacare insurance, or “marketplace plans” in the below figure, had a hard time finding appointments. But so did people with traditional insurance. But there’s a bigger takeaway, one slightly obscured by the misleading y-axis,…
“How can the government make us buy health insurance? What gives them that right?”
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A former student of mine who now works at the Advisory Board recently emailed me some figures her company put together, offering a snapshot of how many people are being hired in oncology practices to help patients with their financial concerns: I am very eager to see what these figures look like over the next…