US government’s WWII mobilization on penicillin is a road map to fighting the coronavirus (USA Today)

US government’s WWII mobilization on penicillin is a road map to fighting the coronavirus (USA Today)

On March 14, 1942, an American soldier with bacteria coursing through his bloodstream was treated with penicillin, a new wonder drug that saved his life. That single treatment exhausted half the nation’s supply of the drug. Two years later, as U.S. troops prepared to launch the D-Day invasion, America had more than 2 million doses of the drugready…

1000 People Described How They’d Find Happiness — Here’s Who Succeeded
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1000 People Described How They’d Find Happiness — Here’s Who Succeeded

Happiness doesn’t always come easily. Some people seem naturally happy, like they inherited the right gene or were born into the right circumstances. Many other people struggle to find happiness. Perhaps even more people hope to become happier than they already are. But what kind of plan should people follow if they are hoping to…

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Who’s The Happiest Cancer Patient Of All?

It is not a mirror you can easily use when trimming your beard or flossing your teeth. Because if you face it and aren’t smiling, this is what you see: Nothing but an opaque, glass surface. That’s because the mirror, designed by Berk Ilhan, only becomes reflective when the person facing it smiles: Ilhan designed…

Would Jesus’ Politics Be More Like Trump’s Or Nancy Pelosi’s?

Would Jesus’ Politics Be More Like Trump’s Or Nancy Pelosi’s?

To my liberal friends, Donald Trump’s polices are a moral abomination (not to mention, his own personal behavior which, of course, I just mentioned). To my conservative friends, Donald Trump and his policies are, quite literally, a godsend (as the press secretary made clear). Flip the topic to Nancy Pelosi, and you’ll find a similar divide….

Come Work With Us!

Come Work With Us!

Our Medical Decision Making Research Group is looking for an Associate in Research to join our team. Please see the job description below and the link to apply. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Associate in Research (RA) will support investigators on multiple research projects related to patient decision making and health communication. The RA will contribute to the…