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A Two Picture History Of The Randomized Control Trial
Many people consider the randomized control trial the gold standard for assessing medical interventions. The US government has been a major funder of such trials, as illustrated in this picture which shows that the government funds just about as many RCTs as private industry: Despite so much US funding for RCTs, the location of such…
My Take on Shared Decision Making
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A Patient Complained about the Cost of Her Medical Care. Here's How Her Doctor Responded.
The oncologist had prescribed Xgeva hoping it would strengthen her bones while also delaying the progression of Angela Kahn’s breast cancer. But Kahn (a pseudonym) couldn’t get over the price of the drug. Before the oncologist had a chance to ask how she was feeling, she blurted out that the medication cost “$15,000 a shot.”…
How Hospitals Turn Charity Care Into Profits — At Taxpayers' Expense
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The Things We Do To Lose Weight
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Do You Overeat? Blame Childhood Stress
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